Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Science Museum Sights...

Yesterday I took Big C to see the Science Museum.  I especially enjoyed seeing the Body Worlds exhibit.  Folks, make sure to move your bodies and eat healthy!  Most of the diseases represented in the exhibit could have been avoided had the person exercised.

Anyhow, I digress from my point.  Many school groups crowded the museum.    One of the teachers from Prescott, WI was wearing a sweatshirt showcasing a liquor store.  I am sure she wondered why I couldn't take my eyes off of her.  We make kids who wear inappropriate shirts leave school to change but somehow it's o.k. for teachers to wear liquor store apparel?

It's got me thinking about dress codes for teachers.  I'm only 36 years old but I recall when teachers wore professional clothing rather than sweatshirts and jeans to work.  When I worked for Target headquarters they changed their dress code to require men and women to dress professionally rather than in business casual.   Sure there was some grumbling but we had no choice.  Did we want a job?  Then we adapted to the dress code.

Teachers these days don't even do business casual.  And yet they want their occupation to be seen as professional?  I am trying to think of what other professional jobs allow employees to wear jeans, tshirts, and tennies to work?  Lawyers - no, doctors - no, accountants - no, salespeople - no.  Heck, even the people working at Macy's can't wear jeans to work!  I have a feeling they would be sent home to change if they wore a sweatshirt adorned with a liquor store's name and emblem.

If we have expectations for children's attire at school I believe teachers should adhere to similar standards.  Send the teacher home to change...

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