Saturday, November 2, 2013

My Sweet Baby is 10!

They grow up too darn fast!  I miss having a baby so much but I am glad I appreciated that time.  Each age has challenging aspects and amazingly sweet parts.  I can't believe my tiny (5 lbs 13 oz) baby went from this:

to this...

so fast!

10 Things about Big C I Love:

1.) She is incredibly sensitive.  Certain songs on the radio make her cry as well as seeing abandoned stuffed animals in toy stores.  Watching her one year video was of no interest to her because she said it would make her too sad.

2.) Big C has a strong will.  Probably stronger than anyone I've ever know.  She will not be easily convinced of anything and stands up for her beliefs.  Although I find this a struggle to parent, I hope it will come in handy as she grows up.

3.  A dare devil!  She is a wild, fearless downhill skier.  Being home alone at night does not even scare her.  Next she'd love to learn to scuba dive.  Diving down to the bottom of the unknown ocean floor is no big deal to her.

4.  Reading is her favorite thing to do.  She learns so much from reading books, magazines, articles on the Internet.  She has an amazing ability to remember what she reads.

5.  She loves to be a part of a team more than the actual pursuit of the sport.  And she's a great team member.  Soccer is her favorite sport and it has nothing to do with the actual sport.  She just loves to encourage, support, and rally around a group of people striving for the same goal.

6.  Big C is happy to be alone.  She likes to play upstairs in her room and do her art or Legos, all the while listening to a book on c.d.

7.  She is witty and funny. Her sense of humor is dry and often times other children don't get it.  For example, when coming upon what appeared to be an animal's tail on a walk she said "That cat needs to go to the retail store".

8.  A lot of her friends are boys.  She tends to share more common interests with the boys and recognizes girls tend to harbor more drama.

9.  Big C is good at standing up for herself.  She is not afraid to tell a doctor he is late or to call someone out at airport security.  Authority is not important to her.

10.  She is awesomely honest.  Sometimes to my chagrin but she owns it.

We love her so much and feel so proud she is our sweet ten year old daughter!

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