Friday, September 19, 2014


I am going to be back to writing on my blog.  I have struggled because there are many things I want to write about here, like good children's books, our homeschooling journey, travel, remembrances from this time in the girls lives.  It seems scattered and like my blog should have a particular direction.

The authors of my favorite blogs say they write to remember and it's a way to document their lives.  I have been a diary writer since I could basically write words and I believe in a personal journal.  I remember when I initially wanted to be a writer and went to college to pursue that dream.  One of my professors told me that she recommends people write daily and that the best stories often come from those jottings. 

Trying to write down something before bed each night has been my goal but it often gets lost in the shuffle.  I also type much more quickly than I am capable of writing.  And my life frequently keeps me out of the house.  I ALWAYS have my phone and can write while waiting for a child at gymnastics or while I wait in the waiting room of the doctor's office.  I am not organized enough to keep my journal with me at all times.   I would need one for next to my bed and one for my large purse.   

So I want to write more to record these memories.  I hear stories of people using programs to turn their blogs into books.  Plus it's cathartic for me to write.  It always has been.  I am better in writing than in words out of this little mouth of mine.  And I feel better after I write it all out.

So to start with a few photos from the summer of blogging lull...

Celebrating our 13 year wedding anniversary.  Yes we're at the Mall of America.  I really wanted to ride that Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles Ride.  

 B-real and I in Phuket, Thailand.  He had a conference in Singapore so I went with him and we added on a few days in Phuket. 


The girls on our boat.  Ages 10 and 8. 

I am back. 

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