Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The girls ended up their homeschool co-op year with a choir concert.  Their amazing teacher asked for children to audition for solos.  I was SHOCKED that Big C tried out but I was proud she had the courage to do so.  And she got a singing part!  Little c also tried out (no surprise there) and was given a short speaking part.  One of the other children decided late in the game that they were too scared to sing so little c raised her hand and volunteered to take her place.  So both of our daughters had singing roles.  I was a nervous mom waiting in the audience but they both did really well.  As is natural, people think little c is much younger than her actual age, so people were especially impressed with her poise and confidence.  The audience actually clapped after her sweet solo.  

Big C had so much fun being part of the choir performance.  That's her doing her jazz hands.  They both danced throughout the songs (may have been the only children dancing).  When Big C is confident about something (her singing) she really shines.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

First Communion

Little c had her first communion this month.  She looked so sweet and pretty.  

Below is a photo of her with her friend Joey.  Joey is going to be quite a man when he grows up.  Upon seeing Charlotte at the pictures, prior to the church service, he said "Charlotte you look very nice".  Mom was gushing!!  He asked for a photo with her too.  

Little c wanted a dessert bar rather than a cake.  Here she is eating one of the push up cake pops.  She wanted a color scheme too -- silver and orange.  Not my favorite choice but I roped in some aquamarine and it turned out pretty cute.

Near Heaven for Big C

Gale Woods Farm offered a lamb watch for families in April.  Big C absolutely loves sheep and has begun telling me she wants to be a sheep farmer.  So the fact that we got to go visit and play with lambs was her idea of a good time!!

Monday, May 19, 2014


The girls had a fun encounter with a sweet horse last night...

Friday, May 16, 2014


I've got a really great husband and he rarely tells me "no" but there are two places he REALLY doesn't like to shop with me - IKEA and the outlet mall.  He would rather stay home and watch the girls or go to the dentist then venture to those places! 

I got myself into a pickle though in that I wanted a way to organize little c's closet and the pieces I wanted to use were from IKEA.  And not being all that big or strong myself, I needed my man to come and lift some heavy stuff.  Knowing full well there was no way he would go with me on a weekend we decided to go right away in the morning on a weekday. I think he was so anxious to get it behind him, we left the house so early we arrived before IKEA opened.   Like 15 minutes before it opened!

But guess what?  I discovered a little something about IKEA that may have won over my husband.  If you arrive before the store opens they have free coffee.  And even better, they have 99 cent breakfasts.  Yep!  For under a $1 you get scrambled eggs, sausage and breakfast potatoes.  Let me tell you that turned his mood around pronto.  The guy  is now talking about celebrating Father's Day at IKEA.  They have $9.99 brunch for adults plus kids cost $2.49.   

There he is making sure he was seeing things correctly on his receipt.

The girls got cinnamon rolls. 

And yes he fed his whole family for a little over $4!! 

We had a fun little morning!!

Thursday, May 15, 2014


Little c had an appointment at the Mayo Clinic.  She wanted to play the piano in the lobby very badly!   I am amazed at her confidence and lack of fear in getting up in front of people to do just about anything!! 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Soccer Memories

Big C hasn't had much of a soccer season this spring because of rain.  The games have been pretty darn cold to watch too.  

She LOVES soccer which surprises her parents because she doesn't do a whole lot on the field!! Last year I told her I would give her $100 if she was hit in the head with the ball (one of her fixations) just to encourage her to get in the game and be a bit more aggressive.  This year my favorite memories this far include:

Big C yelling at Little c to get out of the opponents goal.  The opponents team was without enough players so they asked her to play.  Big C yelling at B-real and me (during the time she was on the field) for cheering for the wrong team (our other daughter playing in Ugg boots, three years younger than anyone else on the field, and who was basically the only reason they were able to play a game that morning).

B-real recounted Big C's first game during which there was a child with the same name on the opposing team.  Whenever someone would cheer with her name, Big C would cup her hands, turn to the crowd and say "which one?". 

Nothing compares to her first year playing soccer when she was more of an on-field cheerleader than player .  As I sat on the sidelines watching her play, the grandpa next to me turned to his wife and said "What's wrong with her?"  I turned to him and said, like any good parent, "Hey that's my daughter!"

The season is nearly over but I look forward to more amusing experiences each week.  And I am thankful to the small town down the road from where we live that offers non competitive soccer for kids who may not be good but have enthusiasm and a desire to be part of a team!!

Cool Guy Pack

B-real had a business trip.  Little c asked if he would be flying first class to which he replied "no".  She knows in first class they give you this handy bags with travel essentials.    We may have a few of them!! 

Knowing her poor old dad would not be receiving (another) one, she took it upon herself to make him his own little bag.  She took a Sharpie pen and wrote "Cool Guy Pack" on the outside.  She filled it with candy, lotion, Kleenex, and a comb.  It was really thoughtful of her and she wanted to make sure I asked daddy if he had used it on the airplane. 

She is the best!!

I love a girl with a plan...

Claire's bucket list! Age 10 1/2


Little c got her first locker at gymnastics. Since she is on the lowest level of team she shares with her two pals.  I actually think she likes that better than having her own.  The girls got to decorate with fun duct tape! 

We had a fun park date with the kids best friends a few weeks back.  

The girls were sad to finish up their last week of homeschool school.  They loved seeing the same group of friends each week and their classes, especially music!!

We visited our 4H llamas last Monday.  We are leasing them so the girls can show them at the county fair.  There is no way our neighborhood covenants would allow for llamas!! Let me tell you how challenging it is to try and wrangle a llama.  Big C and I chased Mr. Bungles for quite a while until I decided I was giving up.  Mr. Carlson grabbed a bucketful of grain and showed us how it's done. The girls led their llamas on an obstacle course which is part of the competition at the fair. 

That's Big C out trying to locate her one eyed llama!