Friday, May 16, 2014


I've got a really great husband and he rarely tells me "no" but there are two places he REALLY doesn't like to shop with me - IKEA and the outlet mall.  He would rather stay home and watch the girls or go to the dentist then venture to those places! 

I got myself into a pickle though in that I wanted a way to organize little c's closet and the pieces I wanted to use were from IKEA.  And not being all that big or strong myself, I needed my man to come and lift some heavy stuff.  Knowing full well there was no way he would go with me on a weekend we decided to go right away in the morning on a weekday. I think he was so anxious to get it behind him, we left the house so early we arrived before IKEA opened.   Like 15 minutes before it opened!

But guess what?  I discovered a little something about IKEA that may have won over my husband.  If you arrive before the store opens they have free coffee.  And even better, they have 99 cent breakfasts.  Yep!  For under a $1 you get scrambled eggs, sausage and breakfast potatoes.  Let me tell you that turned his mood around pronto.  The guy  is now talking about celebrating Father's Day at IKEA.  They have $9.99 brunch for adults plus kids cost $2.49.   

There he is making sure he was seeing things correctly on his receipt.

The girls got cinnamon rolls. 

And yes he fed his whole family for a little over $4!! 

We had a fun little morning!!

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