Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Soccer Memories

Big C hasn't had much of a soccer season this spring because of rain.  The games have been pretty darn cold to watch too.  

She LOVES soccer which surprises her parents because she doesn't do a whole lot on the field!! Last year I told her I would give her $100 if she was hit in the head with the ball (one of her fixations) just to encourage her to get in the game and be a bit more aggressive.  This year my favorite memories this far include:

Big C yelling at Little c to get out of the opponents goal.  The opponents team was without enough players so they asked her to play.  Big C yelling at B-real and me (during the time she was on the field) for cheering for the wrong team (our other daughter playing in Ugg boots, three years younger than anyone else on the field, and who was basically the only reason they were able to play a game that morning).

B-real recounted Big C's first game during which there was a child with the same name on the opposing team.  Whenever someone would cheer with her name, Big C would cup her hands, turn to the crowd and say "which one?". 

Nothing compares to her first year playing soccer when she was more of an on-field cheerleader than player .  As I sat on the sidelines watching her play, the grandpa next to me turned to his wife and said "What's wrong with her?"  I turned to him and said, like any good parent, "Hey that's my daughter!"

The season is nearly over but I look forward to more amusing experiences each week.  And I am thankful to the small town down the road from where we live that offers non competitive soccer for kids who may not be good but have enthusiasm and a desire to be part of a team!!

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