Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The girls ended up their homeschool co-op year with a choir concert.  Their amazing teacher asked for children to audition for solos.  I was SHOCKED that Big C tried out but I was proud she had the courage to do so.  And she got a singing part!  Little c also tried out (no surprise there) and was given a short speaking part.  One of the other children decided late in the game that they were too scared to sing so little c raised her hand and volunteered to take her place.  So both of our daughters had singing roles.  I was a nervous mom waiting in the audience but they both did really well.  As is natural, people think little c is much younger than her actual age, so people were especially impressed with her poise and confidence.  The audience actually clapped after her sweet solo.  

Big C had so much fun being part of the choir performance.  That's her doing her jazz hands.  They both danced throughout the songs (may have been the only children dancing).  When Big C is confident about something (her singing) she really shines.

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