Wednesday, October 30, 2013

One of my biggest homeschool worries

This is an interesting article by a woman named Penelope Trunk.  I feel like you either love her or hate her because she is quite opinionated about schooling.


For me, the article she wrote about homeschooling parents' worries hit the jackpot with me.  I don't worry much about my kids but I do worry about me.  Choosing to homeschool children is a selfless decision.

I never dreamed about the days both my children would be in school.  I didn't plan to celebrate with champagne and brunch with friends. However, I did think about how I might spend the hours my girls were in school.  There were hobbies I thought of pursuing again, exercise classes I thought would be fun to try, friends with whom I wanted to reconnect.  I felt like I would have some time to really be 'me' after many years of being a full-time, dedicated mom with a traveling husband who at one point was working and getting his MBA at night and weekends.  It would be a lie to say I wasn't excited to have large quantities of time to do my thing or at least rediscover my things.

Our decision to homeschool wasn't made as a result of thinking schools are necessarily a bad place or that we wanted this lifestyle for our children all along.  Our hand was forced a bit when Big C's school told us there wasn't much they could do educationally to meet her needs.  We were encouraged to homeschool her, especially when they confidently speculated no school would be able to meet her unique requirements. Since we have made the jump I have realized there are many advantages to our family that have arisen out of this choice.  I am glad we homeschool.  

I feel like I put the needs of our children in front of my own desires to pursue hobbies and interests.  I am not angry that I don't have time for myself nor do I feel slighted.  I feel fortunate to be able to serve the girls in this way.  I recognize as they get older and are able to stay home alone that I can take more time for me.  I also am 'trying' really hard to use the time I do get to myself to do some of the things I listed above (yoga, coffee with a high school friend) rather than errands.  I have a supportive husband who wants these things for me too.

But I can see how a person could easily lose themselves...

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