Monday, July 7, 2014

Fall Planning

I am beginning to think about school.  I did see supplies at Target today but that's not the reason for my preparations.  The older my students et the more pressure I feel to have a plan!

Both girls love, love, love to read.  And they still like when I read out loud to them as they are doing art projects or building with Legos.  I have never wanted to ruin that love by forcing books on them.  I am realizing that Big C especially is not choosing books at her reading level and doesn't seen to be stretching herself.  I understand her issue though in that it's easier to go to a series you enjoy versus taking a guess on a random author or book.  I decided for this school year the girls will do some required reading.  I believe kids do better when they have some control over their choices.  As a result I compiled a list of books that I would like them to read and asked them to select seven books from my long list that they will commit to read this school year.

I made sure to include fiction, non-fiction, biographies, humor, sci-fi.  B-real was helpful too because I wondered what level books to choose for the girls.  Although little c is capable of reading books like Percy Jackson she does not have the attention span for such a long book.  I wanted her to have the feeling of success rather than feeling overwhelmed with her choices.  I can't wait to see what they pick! 

also starred a few that I want to read myself.  Those will be read alouds for the year.  Our current read aloud is Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli.  We are loving it!!  And we recently finished The London Eye mystery.  We were sad when that book came to a conclusion.  I read Counting by Sevens too.  Great book.  It's young adult category but neither of the girls wanted to listen because the book begins on a sad note- the death of the main character's parents.  

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