Saturday, March 22, 2014

Home Sweet Home

We are on our way home!  Slowly but surely.  We will trek the whole night and take turns driving.  It stinks but we are able to bring the girls' bikes and not have to rent a car for 2 1/2 weeks. 

There is a cute arcade in the little village by our little house.  The girls were able to play some of the games this week and turned in their tickets last night for prizes.  B-real got a card too and had arranged with the girls that they would split all the tickets earned with the three cards equally between the two girls.  As the girls were interacting with the woman who owned the arcade she remarked to B-real that she had never met such polite, well mannered children.  As a result she went to this claw game (you know where you manipulate the claw down to the stuffed animals and it gives you nothing), opened it up and took out two stuffed animals for the girls.  The girls were thrilled and so appreciative.  The arcade owner came out and told me I was doing such a good job raising such nice girls.  She said she sees plenty of kids working at the arcade.  

I think she was a smart lady.  Normally when a child behaves well the parents receive the compliments.  The parents may in turn compliment the child or let the child know about the compliment.  Here was a woman who was rewarding the child for their behavior.  It provided a nice opportunity for us to discuss that being kind, friendly, and polite gets you things in life.  It pays to be those things.  Big C had another time at Caribou where she went up to the register and asked for a glass of water and the clerk was so impressed with her manners that she gave her a free blueberry muffin.   People do nice things for you when you are a nice person.  

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