Thursday, March 20, 2014

What I Learned This Weekend

Today I learned that when Big C is interested in something and she wants to do it, her behavior is fantastic.  I don't need to worry about her being unpleasant and moody.  However, if I force something on her, the outcome is usually not good. 

If I think she needs more physical activity and suggest she might try a tramp and tumbling class, she will reluctantly go but will likely be grumpy with the instructor, embarrass herself and me, and have a bad time.  If she loves downhill skiing and wants to go to Skijammers, I will worry about her spending a whole day away from home and her attitude and her stamina, and she will come home with some pin saying she's the superstar of the day.  Huh?

I mentioned it to my dad and he asked if I was surprised that a child is just like an adult.  If they are excited about something and really want to do it, they will be joyful.  If they don't want to do it, they will be grumpy and not have much fun.

I had thought I might push her outside her comfort zone and she might pick up on some fun, new activity.

I need to listen to my children and be o.k. if they seem o.k.  Especially with Big C; I think she's more self-aware than other children her age. I don't need to force my agenda on them.  One child requires a lot more activity and the other is just as happy with her occasional hobbies.  The later does not feel like she is missing out.   And I don't need to buy into the business of other people's children and feel like a failure for not keeping my children as busy as other children. 

If they are o.k., I should be o.k. too. 

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