Tuesday, March 18, 2014

TSA again

B-real was coming back from a trip last week.  In Atlanta they only have body scanners so he exercised his right of refusal and waited for the manhandling called security.  During that time, as I mentioned in a previous post, everything you have been forced to take out of your pockets, proceeds to go through the X-ray machine.  As I reported in La Guardia his stuff, including wallet, passport, phone lay unattended for the taking as he waited for the TSA to slowly make their way to complete his manhandling.  The same thing happened in Atlanta last week, except this time he found his passport had been taken.  Yep, gone.  Nowhere to be found.  And with hundreds of dollars of visa clearances in it.  Basically permission for him to enter a host of other countries provided and paid for by his employer.  He reported it stolen.  

This all comes on the heels of the Malaysian Airlines confusion where two individuals were flying on passports that had been stolen and reported stolen.  How can people be using passports to check in for flights when they are in a database somewhere indicating they have been stolen?  I just don't understand and it baffles me that we aren't making a bigger deal about that fact.  It makes me nervous to fly.  Here we manhandle people in the name of security at airports yet we are not prohibiting individuals from gaining access to airplanes whom are flying with fraudulent identification.  

Instead of going on and on about whether the pilot committed suicide or whether there was a maintenance malfunction on the cable new channels, they should be talking about this flaw in our international security system.   

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