Wednesday, July 24, 2013


B-Real and I traveled in June.  The trip was partly in celebration of our twelve year wedding anniversary and partly because he had work in Monaco.  Figuring it would be his first and last trip to Monaco, B-Real wanted me to see one of the most expensive places in the world.

Our first stop on our thirteen day trip was a two day layover in Prague.  Holy heck were we tired when we arrived there at 10 a.m. but we've both learned NOT to go to sleep.  We power through until at least seven, maybe eight at night.  I also find Melatonin helps me get on a regular sleep cycle when we transition into a completely different time zone.   When we traveled with the girls to London and Paris I used Melatonin to get the girls on a the European time zone too.

Prague was historic, beautiful and very walkable. I love the old buildings, red tiled roofs, Prague Castle on the hill, and the Vltava River.  There is so much going on all over the city, especially on the Charles bridge over the river and the squares.  People drinking and eating at restaurants in the plazas.  B-real liked being able to grab a beer on the street and walk around while enjoying his Pilsner Urquell.   It's less about specific sight seeing and more about taking in the vibe of the city.

Here are a few of my favorite photos from Prague

 Love locks in Prague, wish we had one to lock onto the bridge.  It symbolizes everlasting love. 
That's B-real with the tour group we 'joined'.  It was a group of people from India but their tour guide spoke English  so we followed them and listened to their guide.  Brent so tried to blend in but it was pretty obvious he was a little different!

I'm glad we saw Prague and felt like two days was enough to take in the city.   Off to Monaco next!  

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