Thursday, August 29, 2013


The girls started a co-op today called eCHAT.  It's the first year the co-op is offering classes for elementary aged home-schooled students.  They have a very established junior high and high school group with amazing classes. 


It appeared to be a huge success.  Both girls are taking science, gym, and art.  Big C is taking a music class as well.  The kids we met today all seemed kind and polite and I am excited to be a part of this new community.

On the drive to 'school' today the girls asked if it was just one day a week? I imagined they would be hoping it was only one day.  When I said "yes" they acted all disappointed! 

Little c said she made a comment in her science class.  I guess they were talking about bones and she told the teacher that your teeth are the only bones you can see without an x-ray.  Proud mom moment. 

It was also fun to reconnect with a homeschooling mom, who teaches Big C's science class.  We worked together a few jobs out of college at Marshall Field's corporate office.  Our lives came full circle.  Fun to see our girls paling around together in their classes!  And neat to run into other familiar faces from gifted education circles and dance class. 

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