Thursday, August 1, 2013


Breathing is so simple, we actually don't even think about it, but I believe it's our bodies
most powerful tool.  Focusing on our breathing allows us to calm down, refocus, pause, lessen our nerves and reduce worries.  Mindfulness is beneficial for everyone but I want our girls to learn it at an earlier age than myself. 

My awesome dad, who practiced transcendental meditation in his twenties, took me to a doctor who taught me how to meditate.  Suffering from chronic headaches, which were probably stress related, this technique really changed my life. The power of my mind can make me feel separate from my physical body.  When I practice meditation I feel apart from my body; I feel as though I am floating above it.   My experience with mindfulness reaffirms my belief that we have a physical body and a soul, my physical body remains on the surface whereas my soul floats above it. 

My mind is just as powerful as a prescription headache medicine, if I have ample time to lay down and use the skills this doctor taught me.  Primarily I use a body scan technique that guides me through relaxing my body from the tips of my toes to the top of my head.

I think it's important for my girls to learn how to be still.  But how do you teach such a complex idea to two small children?

1.  The Candle Exercise

I light a candle and place it in the middle of our kitchen table.  Five, talk-free minutes are spent focusing on the candle and it's flame.

2.  The Be Still Exercise

I have the girls lay on the couches in the living room and be still for five minutes.  No talking is allowed.  I remind them at the beginning to focus on their breathing (in/out) and let any other thoughts float away (like clouds).

3.  The Body Scan Exercise

I have used this mostly with Big C.  She often has a hard time falling asleep at night so I lead her in a relaxation exercise.  I ask her to close her eyes and listen to my voice.  I begin with her feet and help he relax her body up to the top of her head.  Often she falls asleep before we finish.  A few times she has remained awake and told me that she feels like she is floating.  There are iTunes downloads you can use too. 

My favorite body scan offering is through this DVD.  One of the segments in the yoga DVD is a body scan. 

Body Scan DVD

4.  The Relaxation c.d.

 Indigo Dreams

Indigo Dreams is a guided c.d., told in story format, to help children calm down and prepare for sleep.   Unfortunately, it did not work very well for Big C but I have recommended it to friends who have found success using the c.d.

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