Friday, August 30, 2013

Strawberry Picking

Our family loves to pick fruit during the summer months.  Our regular haunt was a place called "Apple Jack Orchards" in Delano. This year they discontinued their strawberry production so we hiked to Berry Hill Farm in Anoka to pick berries. 

My mom, Big C, Little c and I went this year.  The best part was when Big C decided she needed to go to the bathroom so I walked about 1/2 mile to the portable potty.  By the time I returned, Little c needed to go too.  I walked about 2 miles just back and forth to the bathroom that day.  And I barely even got to pick strawberries!  I guess it's just part of the life of a mom. Actually, now that I think about, I sent both girls over together but it was taking so long that I decided I should walk over and check on them.  So I walked over to check on them, walked back with them, picked about five berries, and then heard Little c say she needed to go to the bathroom. 

Here are some photos from our day at the berry patch/my day at the portable potty!

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