Saturday, August 10, 2013

One on One Time

It's pretty special when we manage to get some one-on-one time with each of the girls.  I was lucky enough to have some of that time in mid-July when little c and I went to Girl Scout camp with her Daisy troop.  Four moms and daughters went together and it was the start of an awesome tradition.  We had SO much fun together! 

Thankfully we were not tent camping but had a air conditioned bunk house for accommodations.  The bunks may have been the best part, in the eyes of the girls!  Often times they would suggest we head back to the bunk house rather than participate in the camp type activities.  It was little c's first time on the top bunk. 

We hiked, groomed horses, swam, did archery and went Geo-caching.  The girls participated in a skit and we made s'mores.

I am thankful for such a nice group of friends for little c and equally nice mom friends for me!

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