Thursday, August 29, 2013

Hives Help

Little c has horrible hives.  They call it chronic uticaria.   Doctors are unable to find the cause of chronic hives in 85% of patients.  Most people just grow out of it.  When you are in the thick of it, it's really horrible though.  The worst part is we can't find any common themes for when she develops these bouts.  We've tried a bunch of different medications and they seem to work for period of time and then Little c will have another flare.  Currently she is taking Zyrtec daily and has been doing well. 

If you need a good allergist or asthma doctor, you should see Dr. Wexler at Advancements in Allergy and Asthma Care.  Even though he was not technically able to help us, he took so much time with us and actually talks to me on the phone when I call.  He's fantastic! 

Here are some photos of the worst flare I've seen in Little c

 Those are her legs!
 And her arm. 
 And her lower leg! 

Doesn't it look terrible?  The doctor said you get worried if they start to develop hives on their faces and especially inside their mouths.  Fortunately, I guess, Little c's are limited to her arms, legs, and trunk. 

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