Sunday, September 8, 2013

Book Review: Pictures of Hollis Woods

If you are looking for a touching, sweet book to read with your pre-teen, Pictures of Hollis Woods is a great choice.  And it has that fancy gold sticker on it, which means the Murray family is not the only one who would recommend it!  

The story is about a young girl who is passed around to various foster homes and cannot seem to find a place where she fits.  Eventually she is placed in a foster home with an older woman (Josie), who we later discover is suffering from the early onset of dementia.  Hollis must try to cover up Josie's disease so the social worker does not remove her from Josie's home.  Josie and Hollis need each other.

Alternating chapters between the present time with Josie and the previous summer when Hollis had thought she had found a forever home, the two stories melt together at the end. Wondering how the two stories would fold together kept us reading.

It's a bit of a sleeper book in that I had never heard of it before and just happened to pick it up at the library.  Don't you love when that happens? 

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