Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Last Days of Summer

We had some of our favorite people out on the boat a few weeks back.  Our boat is very enjoyable but we actually enjoy ourselves more when we can share the fun with friends.

This was Little c on the boat...

And this was Big C...

I am seriously questioning whether she has narcolepsy because she falls asleep practically every where.  This is in the middle of the bright sunlight.

Our friends told us about this fun little place called Frog Island that boasts of a rope swing.  Well we swung over there to check it out and it was fun.

Even Dave got in on the action!  What a brave, fun dad!

No fun night with our family is complete without a little tubing.  It was Big C's friend's first time in a tube.  I think she liked it!!  Lots of thumbs up to go faster!

Little c and her pal hung out on the front of the boat and talked.  They both like to talk!  Maybe next time we'll get them in the tube too.

It's such a gift when the kids get along well and the parents do too.  I am sad the summer is coming to an end here because we'd love to have another boat night this year with our friends!  Something to look forward to in 2014!

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