Friday, September 13, 2013


I've been feeling a little sad lately.  I am not sure why it's hitting me all of sudden.  Maybe it was because I was filing some things in the file cabinet and came across a few pieces of artwork the girls had done when they were younger.  Big C especially was just a creative machine; generating art piece after art piece.  I miss those days.  I miss having papers and markers and crayons and stickers encompassing my kitchen table and not being able to sit down without cleaning it up.  At the time I didn't think I would miss it though.  I recall being worried someone might stop by unexpectedly and see the chaos that was our table.   But really, who cares, when I look back on it.  My girls were having so much fun.  Would I have judged a mom who couldn't eat at her table?  Heck no, I would have thought she was awesome!  

While we were at Lake Owen, I helped Little c in the shower with washing her hair.  In the thick of things, bathing and showering felt like a chore.  Now that I don't have to help them, I sort of miss the look of my babies with their wet hair all gelled back.  Those pretty, perfect faces without any hair dos of their own messing up their simple beauty.  Or when they lay back in the tubby and all that peeked out from the water was their sweet little faces.  They are just so perfect when they are all clean and fresh.  We've trained them so well now that by the time we see them their hair is brushed. Often Little c has concocted a hair do of her own.

Last year the girls couldn't spend enough time outdoors.  All they wanted to do was play in the tree they nicknamed Luna.  B-real made a ladder for them, they adorned the tree with artwork, there was a basket for raising items into the tree.  Granted that awesome tree resulted in one horribly broken leg back in October.  Happily the injury did not preclude Big C from wanting to climb again, immediately after her leg had healed.  We held off until this spring but then there wasn't as much appeal.  They had moved on to something entirely new.

Now it's about time in their rooms.  Especially for Big C.  She likes to listen to her books on c.d., do her art, maybe read, play Legos.  The door is always closed too.  I miss her.   Little c thumps around doing gymnastics on her bed and likes her books on c.d. too. 

To all you young moms, try to remember to enjoy each day.  Even though they can be hard and tiring.  Trust me, one day you will miss them.  Life changes so quickly for these people we've been entrusted to raise and you've got to live in the moment and rejoice in each stage.   Because one day you might look back and wish you would have appreciated them more.  

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