Saturday, September 7, 2013

Making Memories

This pretty much sums up the theme in our house:

Please excuse the mess
Big C and Little c are making memories.

Not that our house isn't clean.
It's just that you might walk in and see:

  • A flag the girls made hanging down from our second floor balcony.
  • You might struggle to get into the front hall because Little c has created a three dimensional map of a city equipped with a food shelf, ball drop like in NYC, and skyscrapers. 
  • Our front 'living room' may be one giant fort!  
  • The bathroom may have signs encouraging you to turn off the water. 
  • There may be advertisements for items the girls are selling.  

But we really live here and I hope these big ideas I am allowing to come to fruition in our house will lead to bigger ideas as they get older.  And maybe someday they will create something that will change the world?

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